The first day of editing

This is the first day of editing for my group film project for my media studies class. I am very excited to get into the editing of the film and I think we have very interesting film idea. The first thing that we had to do upon finishing filming was upload all the files and name/organize them in a file. We then went on Facetime with the group and discussed the various way the film could pay out and where we could make scenes fit into the film. As we did not film all of the story board we originally planned to. Just being cut from the production because we felt they were unnecessary, or we didn't have time to shoot the scenes. Once we had our scene placement, we had to discuss how each scene would transition into the next. This proved to be one of the hardest parts of the editing because it really does make or break your film . Having fluent and non choppy transition is very important. I then went through each clip scoping for imperfection that would have to make us ref...