Production blog: details
This is the first production blog in the making of the film. My group decided that we would start with the details of our film. My group members and I figured out the location of our scenes in the film. Several of the scenes are located next to group mate Katie's house. Most of scenes will be captured in the TV room of Katie's house. The rest of the production will be filmed in surrounding local state park, a main street/road, and a playground. Despite the previous blogs, I feel that several aspects and details in the production blog were left out. I will be performing the role of Noah, who is a mysterious killer. I also will be the camera man for most of the production. When playing the role of Noah I will be dressed in all black, hoodies and pants. I will use the accessories such as a weapon, a mask, other threating items , Camera, lighting equipment. This all together will make it easier for the audience to distinguish my character. I am learning and practicing camera shots and angles in order to be able to film the scenes correctly. I also had to figure out the lighting of each scene making sure that the lights that I bring for the production are sufficient for the scenes we will be filming. I discussed with my group on understanding how we will record the audio for film. I am currently also researching ways in order to get the highest quality audio out of every shot. I discussed more with my group and decided a list of props we need for the film. These include purses, microphones, sunglasses, makeup, lighting gadgets among other things these are key props in the production. Other equipment might have to looked in to for stabilization of the camera and higher angles. These are all in short a summary of the details of my role in the production of our final production blog.
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