This film utilized various camera angles, sounds, editing forms, and mis-en-scene. First, many scenes were filmed at a close-up angle and used the mis-en-scene of low-lighting. Various types of lighting such as ambient lighting and natural moon lighting. This film was also filmed using handheld shots. Many props, such as an old train were used to create an Omnis effect. Ambient sound was utilized throughout the majority of the film, however, in some scenes, there was an absence of sound to created an eerie and mysterious effect. Different types of lighting were heavily utilized, such as, under lighting to create a chilling effect on the audience. Actors in this film are seen wearing costumes, which were designed to come off as normal civilian clothing to the audience.
I liked many elements of this film and believe the majority of these elements had a positive effect on the film. The utilization of various camera angles, sounds, editing forms, and mis-en-scene make this film the genre of horror. One of my favorite elements this film utilized was handheld shots. Handheld shots are not only realistic to how my production will come out, but also they deepen the effect of a horror film. The use of handheld shots makes the shot seem more realistic and gives an eerie effect. Close-up angles were also heavily utilized in this film to show actor’s emotions more vividly. I love the idea of using close up shots to express emotions and the vulnerability of the actors. Ambient lighting was also used for the majority of this film, it added to the element of fear and the unknown of the film. I will be using ambient lighting a lot during my final task.
However, there were some elements of this film that would not be beneficial to the production of my final task. First, I believe the absence of sound would make my film introduction forgettable and hard to engage with. Since a film introduction is mainly what draws the viewer in and prefaces the majority of the film, I believe constant sound is necessary. Such as ambient sound or a sound track.
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