Story Board Media Studies

Story board In scene one, a north face backpack will be hoisted up and rotated. With a clear white background to let the viewers get a good look at the product. The bag will be Hoisted up with very small strings to give the illusion that the backpack is floating. This should make the commercial clear and concise to the audience about what the product looks like and the style associated with that. With possibly a clean transition if the timing will allow. The second scene contains a person or (actor 1) will be walking with the back facing the camera showing how the bag looks on a person. we will then edit the clip to focus on the actor and the background be blurred. This puts the attention towards the actor. Scene 3 will consist of a pan back towards the scene where the bag appears to be floating however this time the back of the backpack will be showing. The next scene will most likely be someone putting ...